Field Care modules are designed to support warfighters with the right medical gear at different levels. From IFAK for individual soldiers through squad level team bags to advanced resuscitation kits for paramedic level care.
Our IFAK is based on the most needed supplies for treating casualties according to TCCC. The SOF version have more equipment and is made for independent units with longer transport times.
Combat Medic level bag. It contains more advanced supplies needed to treat according to TCCC and PHTLS guidelines.
Squad level bag containing both trauma supplies and items for first aid.
Contains everything needed to provide care according to TCCC/PHTLS/RDCR guidelines whilst being man portable and packed in a backpack. It is customizable allowing the paramedic to organize it according to mission profile.
Designed for SOF medics, nurses, paramedics and doctors.
Basic Medic bag, suitable for treatment according to TCCC and PHTLS guidelines.